New Fairfield Petition
Dated 24 Dec. 1747 - Signed 23 April 1748
We the subscribers, inhabitants of New Fairfield and loyal
subjects of King George by virtue of the laws of this
government, have a right to vote for town officers. We
do hear (sic) complain and say that we have been denied
that privilege this year by not being lawfully warned.
For we never heard of a meeting till after it was over
and we do denigh (sic) the legitimacy of such a town
meeting. For either the town men we believe did not
set up the warning or trusted to such men as did not
set it up so that the people might see it. So that its
evident to us that they were employed to set up the
warning. We believe that in the North Society but three
or four men knew of it. Therefore we think such meeting
to be unlawfully held and that the officers chosen at
it are not lawfully chosen. Therefore we humbly desire
the townsmen forthwith to warn a town meeting according
to law. For we think if such present doings are winked
at which according to law should be most publick our town
stands on a presipis (sic) ready to fall into confusion.
Which is the complaint of us whose names are hereunto
James Tryon Samuel Wright Abel Wright
Azariah Coffman Ezek Hubbell John Pepper
Benjamin Eastman Lyddel Buck Joseph Congar
Thomas Barns John Barns John Pepper Jr.
Benjamin Seelye Benjamin Elliott Jefferson Commings
John Commings Samuel Waters Daniel Commings
Jonathan Page Peter Eastman Samuel Commings
William Barns Nathan ? Latham Clark
Benjamin Benedict Samuel Tryon Caleb Morgan
Joseph Coffman (illegible)
Elnathan Commings Azahel Harding
Jonathan Hill Zeth Tryon
Peter Eastman